Frequently asked questions

About our services

In this section you'll find some frequently asked questions regarding our services and how to select a package that is right for your organisation:



REMITREP Services BV is a service provider for non-EU domiciled energy traders needing to comply with EU REMIT Regulation. We assist clients in designating a representative in a Member State where they are active in the wholesale energy market and ensure compliance with registration requirements.


What services does REMITREP offer?

REMITREP offers two levels of service to cater to different client needs:

Basic Service: Includes initial registration assistance, acting as the representative for managing official correspondence, and notifying the National Regulatory Authority (NRA). This service covers up to 12 official communications per year.

Premium Service: Provides all the benefits of the Basic Service plus comprehensive regulatory updates, extended correspondence management up to 24 communications per year, and strategic advisory services.


Who should consider the Premium Plan?

The Premium Service is ideal for clients who require in-depth regulatory insights, extended correspondence handling, and strategic advisory services. It is designed for businesses that face complex regulatory environments and need tailored strategic responses.


How do I choose the right service tier?

Choose the Basic Service if you need essential compliance and representative duties managed efficiently. Opt for the Premium Service if your needs include more frequent regulatory updates, enhanced correspondence handling, and customized strategic advice.


Can REMITREP customize services to fit my company's specific needs?

Yes, all our services can be customized to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need additional advisory services, specialized regulatory interpretations, or different communication frequencies, we can tailor our offerings to provide optimal support. Additional fees may apply based on the customization's scope and complexity.


How can I sign up for services?

To sign up or learn more about our services, please contact us via email at or call us at +31 (0) 643 40 42 11.

We are ready to help you navigate your compliance requirements effectively.

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